1. Probiotic Yoghurt
Eat plain or sweetened with raw honey or fruit. Add to cereal, smoothies, baking and desserts. It is recommended to eat 1-2 servings each day Your digestive tract naturally contains bacteria. They are essential for breaking down some parts of our food to release essential nutrients for our body to utilise. If we eat the wrong foods, bacteria that like those foods grow in numbers and can cause digestive problems. Probiotic yoghurt contains good bacteria. It is excellent for restoring good health to your intestine after antibiotics have wiped out all bacteria both good and bad. It eliminates pain from gas, decreases tummy bloating and diarrhoea.
Probiotic yoghurt is a great dairy option for allergy sufferers. It reduces allergy symptoms and is great for your skin. Asthma and eczema will improve with probiotic yoghurt.
2. Spinach
Delicious raw in salads and sandwiches. Steam until just wilted in little water. Add to stir fries, pasta, omelettes, and quiche. Great in vegetarian lasagne. Use frozen or fresh in cooking.
Spinach is anti-inflammatory and high in fibre so it is great for the health of your stomach and intestine. It stabilises blood sugar levels and enhances immune system functioning.
Spinach is high in Vitamin A which is essential for healthy eyes, skin and fertility. It is great for brain, nerve and bone health. It also contains flavonoids which help protect against cancer.
3. Salmon
Eat raw in sushi, or cooked for any meal. Combine with vegetables, rice, pasta or eat on its own for a delicious nutrient boost.
Salmon is high in selenium which makes it great for cell immunity. It prevents cancer cells forming and is useful in non-Hodgkins lymphoma and kidney cancer patients.
Salmon is most well-known for its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. It elevates moods, being great for depression. It is essential for healthy skin and hair and also strengthens skin to resist sun burn. It is healthy for your heart and blood vessels. It is really good for healthy eyes and brain function.
4. Eggs
Organic free-range eggs are best. Eat 1-2 a day. Poach, scramble, boil or bake in a quiche. Add finely chopped boiled eggs to salads and sandwiches. Eggs have been described as nature’s health capsule. They are an excellent protein source and full of minerals, vitamins and essential fats. Vitamin B-complex is vital for most body processes. Vitamin A is great for hair growth, fertility and skin health.
Choline is essential for nerve health and is especially good for your brain, keeping you on your game, longer. Potassium, calcium and iron are the best minerals for heart and blood health. They give you the extra energy boost you need to make it through the busy day. Eggs are great for boosting immunity and they are a good protein source for muscle growth and repair.
Eggs have so many qualities going for them it is hard to understand where doctors are coming from when they restrict egg intake. There is worry over the amount of cholesterol in eggs affecting the blood vessels and heart. Research by the Harvard School of Public Health has proven that there is no significant impact from the cholesterol of eggs on blood cholesterol levels. It is not good to eat anything in excess and the same can be said for eggs. Eating one or two a day, every day will do you more good than harm, so go for it! And they are so delicious, it is hard not to eat eggs!
5. Olive Oil
Use olive oil for frying, add to dressings. More than two tablespoons of olive oil a day counters the health benefits. Keep olive oil in a cool, dark place. A cupboard is good, a refrigerator is also a good choice in summer. The quality of olive oil is affected by light and temperature.
Olive oil is a very healthy monounsaturated fat. It lowers blood cholesterol levels and improves the health of your blood. Cuts clot faster and blood sugar stays stable longer.
It reduces the risk of cancer through the phytonutrient, oleocanthal. It is anti- inflammatory, it also lowers blood pressure. It keeps your joints lubricated and reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis.
6. Flaxseed
Flaxseed can only be digested if it is soaked, or if it has been ground up. Soaking releases nutrients, grinding exposes them. Leaving flaxseeds whole will not be harmful but will probably pass straight through you without imparting the wholesome goodness they are famous for. Grind in a coffee or spice grinder. Or crush with a mortar and pestle. You may purchase it ready ground. Eat 1 tablespoon a day in yoghurt or breakfast cereals. It is also a tasty addition to baking.
Flaxseed is high in fibre and keeps you regular. It is really good for your blood, the omega-3 lowers blood cholesterol, leaving your blood vessels clean and clear for optimum performance.
Lignans in flaxseed are anti-cancer. They prevent cancer cells from growing. It is especially helpful against breast cancer and lung cancer. Flaxseed decreases your chances of developing type 2 diabetes as well. Such an easy food to add to your diet, with tremendous benefits!
7. Blueberries
Eat fresh-picked, firm and ripe berries. Eat with cereal, yoghurt, fruit salad, in smoothies, or on their own for a super snack. It is recommended to eat about a cup a day for maximum benefits. Dried berries can be added to baking or used in place of sultanas in recipes.
Blueberries are great for digestion, being naturally high in fiber. They are also packed full of vitamin C, supplying one quarter of your daily requirements. High in minerals; iron, zinc and selenium for extra energy, immune health and increased fertility. Vitamin E is a fantastic antioxidant, clearing free radicals from your body.
Vitamin A is present in high quantities and is essential for clear vision and skin. Vitamin B-complex is needed for most cellular processes and boosts your natural energy levels. Blueberries are packed full of nutrients and taste delicious. Frozen or dried berries are an excellent choice in the off-season.
8. Avocados
Eat avocados at least three times a week. They are so good for you, you could eat one every day. Eat them fresh with a sprinkle of sea salt, or spread them on toast with marmite or chop up in a salad. Add to pizza topping or mash up and add to dips.
Avocados are most well known for their healthy fats. They have been rumoured to be bad for you for their high fat content but this is not true. Our bodies need fat to survive and most foods do contain fat, even in small amounts. Avocados have essential fats required for healthy functioning and are especially beneficial to your heart.
The lesser known fact about avocados is that they are cancer fighters. They have a high carotenoid content which targets and prevents growth of oral, head, breast and prostate cancers. Lutein and vitamin E also fight cancer which makes avocados extra good for you.
9. Almonds
Eat raw unsalted almonds as a snack or add to salads. Grind up and add to baking, cereal, smoothies or yoghurt. They can also be purchased as a nut butter or gluten-free flour. A quarter of a cup is an ideal amount for a snack.
Almonds are a good source of essential healthy fats and protein. They are an excellent choice of snack for the health conscious and those looking to build muscle and decrease body fat. They fill you up and leave you feeling fuller longer so you are less likely to reach for the junk food. Almonds are high in many minerals including: copper, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. This means they are great for the health of your whole body from your hair, eyes skin and nails, to your bones, teeth, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, heart, brain, liver and kidneys.
Almonds are also full of vitamins, especially vitamin B-complex and E. This ensures adequate digestion and protection from free-radicals. Your immune system is boosted and you have more energy from these powerful little nuts. It is important not to eat too many of these tasty treats as they can contribute to weight gain. They have been proven to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, alzheimers and heart disease.
Almonds are great for regulating blood pressure and keep cholesterol levels low.
10. Green Tea
Drink in place of your normal caffeinated drinks. Early morning and an afternoon pick me up. Two or three cups a day are adequate.
Green tea is less processed than black tea so it retains more nutrients and antioxidants. It is pleasant to drink and instantly invigorates. Green tea has many health benefits. It is a natural way to combat heart disease, diabetes, dementia, high cholesterol and cancer.
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