10 Foods That Have Proven a High Protection Properties


1. Alfalfa 

Alfalfa sprouts are a significant dietary source of beneficial phytoestrogens, and phytochemicals, including, canavanine and saponins, they also have an abundance of highly active antioxidants, sprouts and shoots are one of the best foods for fighting free radicals and supporting cellular regeneration. Studies show that the amino acid, canavanine found in alfalfa may fight leukemia as well as benefit pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, and fibrocystic breast tumors. Alfalfa sprouts are one of the best natural sources of the B-complex vitamins and contain high amounts of vitamin D, as well as having a high essential mineral content. Alfalfa roots go down as far as 60 feet to find minerals that other plants can’t reach. Unfortunately Alfalfa is one of the food crops that is mainly grown from GM modified seeds and contains Glyphosate and Multiple Toxins, so organic varieties only should be used. 

2. Almonds 

Almonds contain large amounts of monounsaturated fats, the same type of health-promoting fats as are found in olive oil, these have been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. They can easily be made into almond milk, butter or flour, their consumption with a meal helps reduce after-meal surges in blood sugar and helps protect against diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Almonds are also very rich in boron, contain calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, folic acid and vitamin E needed for healthy bones and cell structure and contain benzaldehyde, which is shown in studies to exert an anti-cancer effect, as well as high level of dietary fiber, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of colon and bowel cancer. 

3. Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera has a strong bitter taste so is best used with acidic fruit, such as lemons, limes, grapefruit, pineapple and/or oranges. Aloe Vera is made up of more than 75 beneficial compoundsincluding complex carbohydrates, natural steroids, organic acids, enzymes, natural antibiotic agents, amino acids, and minerals that help with preventing and fighting or curing cancer. Aloe Vera research has shown that it contains strong immunomodulatory and anti-tumor properties, because of its polysaccharides that boost the immune system and destroy cancer tumors, reduce potent macrophage activities and produce nitric oxide, which has anti-tumor properties. The best way to use Aloe Vera is to pick it fresh when needed and remove the hard skin to reveal the jelly like flesh, place it in a blender or juicer with the rest of your chosen vegetables and then juice it, and drink it straight away. 

4. Basil 

Basil contains the flavonids, orientin and vicenin, these are soluble flavonoids that help protect cell structures and chromosomes from radiation and oxygen-based damage. Basil’s essential oil eugenol is used to treat bacteria that have developed a high level of resistance to treatment with antibiotic drugs, it the same way as anti-inflammatory medications including aspirin and ibuprofen for pain relief. Chewing Basil leaves can help remove the craving for tobacco and is very effective in curing almost all varieties of respiratory disorders, including Bronchitis (both chronic and acute), treatment of Asthma, and heals damage caused to the lungs due to smoking, Tuberculosis and lung cancer. Regular drinking of basil tea will help to clean out your lungs and assist them to function better. 

5. Barley

Barley contains a multitude of nutrients, including both soluble and insoluble fiber that helps to keep the Colon and Intestines healthy, it also helps to control blood cholesterol levels and works effectively in controlling Type 2 diabetes. It also contains phytonutrients known as plant lignans, which are transformed by friendly flora in our intestines into mammalian lignans such as enterolactone, which helps to prevent breast and other hormonal cancers as well as heart disease. Barley grass also contains chlorophyll that helps in the detoxification of the body and controlling or destroying free radicals that can cause harm to healthy cells. One of the best ways to eat barley is by sprouting, the new sprouts or greens also known as barley grass is a very rich source of Vitamin B17 or nitrilosides (Vitamin B17 is not officially recognized as a vitamin), this has the potential to destroy cancer cells while leaving the healthy cells unharmed. 

6. Bay leaves 

Bay Leaves contain many volatile active components such as apinene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, neral, aterpineol, geranyl acetate, eugenol, and chavicolThese compounds are known to have been antiseptic, antioxidant, antiviral, digestive, and anti-cancer properties. They act as an immune system booster, promoting wound healing and are essential for healthy visual sight, maintaining the membranes that line various cavities in the body and surround internal organs and they also help to protect us from lung and oral cavity cancers. Compounds in bay leaves help in enzyme synthesis, nervous systemtion, and regulating body metabolism, as well as being an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. 

7. Broccoli 

Broccoli contains Carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, Flavonoids kaempferol and quercitin which have a very strong antioxidant effect. Broccoli contains compounds that give it a powerful anti-inflammatory properties; it’s also a strong detoxification agent, combined with its high vitamin content, especially Vitamin A and Vitamin K, that help to keep Vitamin D at optimum levels, this makes broccoli very valuable in fighting and preventing cancer, as well as giving eye support, cardiovascular and digestive system support. The glucoraphanin in broccoli helps to counteract skin damage caused by the sun. Broccoli leaves have a higher overall nutrient value than the head, and the sprouts grown from its seeds are classed as a super food as they contain all the nutrients of the whole plant. Many of the nutrients in broccoli are best retained if it’s eaten raw or only lightly cooked as in stir-fry, pressure cooking or steaming. 

8. Brazil Nuts 

Brazil nuts are high in mono-unsaturated fatty acids like palmitoleic acid and oleic acid, these help to lower LDL or “bad cholesterol” and increase HDL or “good cholesterol” levels in the blood. Research studies suggest that a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids protects our bodies from coronary artery disease and strokes, by giving us a healthy blood lipid profile. Brazil nuts contain Vitamin-E a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, this helps to maintain the integrity of cell membranes and skin, by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals. They are the highest source of selenium available, 1-2 nuts a day provides enough for our daily requirements it is an important cofactor for the antioxidant enzymeglutathione-peroxidaseAdequate selenium in the diet helps to prevent coronary artery disease, liver cirrhosis, and cancers. Brazil nuts also contain boron essential for healthy bones, it is one food strongly recommended for people with arthritis. 

9. Brussels sprouts 

Brussels sprouts are a great source of glucosinolates, gluconasturtiian, raphanin, glocobrassicin, and sinigrin all of which afford protection from bladder cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and ovarian cancers. They also contain compounds that provide extensive detox and inflammatory and anti-inflammatory support. Brussels sprouts should not be overcooked as they quickly lose their nutritional values when heated the best cooking method is light steaming or quartered and added to stirfries. They are also ideally suited for eating raw or cultured as in sauerkraut. One cup of Brussels sprouts provides 195% of vitamin K and 125% of our daily vitamin C. Brussels sprouts also contain a high amount of chlorophyll, which can block the carcinogenic effects of heterocyclic amines generated when grilling meats at a high temperature. 

10. Cauliflower

Cauliflower contains sulforaphanin that can help protect the lining of the stomach and other phytonutrients beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, caffeic acid, namic acid, ferulic acid, quercetin, rutin and kaempferol, this helps lower oxidative stress in our cells, a risk factor for developing most types of cancers, it has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve blood pressure and kidney function. It is best eaten raw, cultured (fermented) or lightly cooked. There are dozens of studies linking cauliflower-containing diets to cancer prevention, particularly with respect to bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. Cauliflower (or other cruciferous vegetables) when combined with curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric has been shown to not only to prevent prostate cancer, but to inhibit the spread of established prostate cancers. 

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